
KMAC Coaching

Event Registration

Cullyhanna KMAC Coaching Multi Sport Mondays P3 and P7 - £16

Cullyhanna KMACCoaching Multi Sport P3 and P7 2 children family registration - £30

Cullyhanna KMAC Coaching Multi Sport P3 and P7 3 children registration - £42

Crossmaglen KMAC Coaching Multi Sport Club - single child registration - £16

Crossmaglen KMAC Coaching Multi Sport Club - 2 children family registration - £30

Crossmaglen KMAC Coaching Multi Sport Club - 3 children family registration - £42

Clonoe KMAC Coaching Multi Sport P2-7 single child registration - £16

Clonoe KMAC Coaching Multi Sport P2-7 2 children family registration - £30

Clonoe KMAC Coaching Multi Sport P2-7 3 children family registration - £42

Moy KMAC Coaching Afterchool Gaelic Club P2-7 single child registration - £16

Moy KMAC Coaching Afterschool Gaelic Club P2-7 - 2 children family registration - £30

Moy KMAC Coaching Afterschool Gaelic Club P2-7 3 children family registration - £42

Glassdrummond KMAC Coaching Gaelic and Fundamentals club single child registration - £16

Glassdrummond KMAC Coaching Gaelic and Fundamentals 2 child family registration - £30

Glassdrumman KMAC Coaching Gaelic and Fundamentals club 3 child family registration - £42

Collegelands KMAC Coaching After Schools Multi Sport Club single child registration - £16

Collegelands KMAC Coaching Multi Sport Club 2 children registration - £30

Collegelands KMAC Coaching Multi Sport Club 3 children registration - £42

Port Mor KMAC Coaching Multi Sport Afterschool Club single child registration - £16

Port Mor KMAC Coaching Multi Sport AfterSchool club 2 children registration - £30

Port Mor KMAC Coaching Multi Sport Afterschool Club 3 children family registration - £42

Madden KMAC Coaching Multi Sport Mondays single child registration - £36

Madden KMAC Coaching Multi Sport Mondays 2 children registration - £68

Madden KMAC Coaching Multi Sport Mondays 3 children registration - £100


Donations can be made here

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Klubfunder - Helping clubs raise funds #jointheklub